Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm confused.

There's actually a lot of things I wanna blog about.
but nvm larh , limited time.

Made ' Cornflakes Snap ' for CNY today . Loves it lots.
Mum actually let me use her kitchen . I was like WOW !

So , I started weighing the " materials " and preparing the " apparatus " LOLOLOL ! [ Today did Science PEKA - Onion cell ]
Ok correction , suppose to be weighing the ingredients and preparing the utensils.
Cooked the honey , sugar and butter together till the butter melted .
Then , mixed the mixture with cornflakes , peanuts , raisins  and cherries  : D
Its super simple. Place them in the paper cups.
I used the red paper cups since its CNY . ' ang ' ma. If not , already use the blue one. Mum has so many of them :X
Lastly . put them in the oven with a moderate temperature .

and taaaaaaaaaaa-daaahhhh !

fresh from the oven . yummy :D

blur. never really focus. Focused on eating it =P

And this is for Kritz...


The end .


Tuition. BLAH ! Physics . BLAH !
School replacement tomorrow. Tuition also got. TOMORROW. 5-7.30 pm . watdeh
Another day to spend a SATURDAY. SCHOOL - TUITION.  aargh !


To Vivian ,

I just got to know you for . My one week classmate .
Suddenly you told me you're gonna leave the school
Yesterday , you left .
Today , you weren't in the class sitting behind me-laughing.
Tomorrow ?
and btw , did I mention about your hair ? it suits u lots : D

Bye T.T


I'm a little confused with the people around me.
He was mean but the next second he was nice.
She was nice but the next second she was mean.

Maybe I am that bad in knowing people.
guess that makes me not-so-friendly.

must throw this stupid attitude.


Ok late ady.
maths haven't touch at all. tomorrow got maths some more. Die la.

Don't even think I could wake up by time ._.
tatas peeps !