CNY was fun!
gamble gamble gamble gamble.
gamble gamble gamble gamble.
Ang pao money this year , MUAHAHAHAHAHA ! XD
Is the most I have ever receive ! :)
-CNY story ends. -
( seriously , nothing to blog about. CNY is the same every year -.- )
I'm very upset about the fact that my younger brother's gonna catch up with my height.
Grrr ! Can't he just stay short . rawr ! :(
Its so annoying and irritating whenever he purposely comes and stands beside me .
and he'll say something like
" Little bit more . "
rawr :(
Mum is hosting a dinner party tomorrow .
Back to the kitchen's work :(
New house 70% done.
Moving in by Mac - 1 week school holiday.
rawr :(
No more com after CNY.
Dad says its the 1st thing to pack .
rawr :(
Super random post today.
Paiseh !
rawr :(