Can't think of any title to put. Cause super random for today's post. AGAIN !
Ps - Its from my WhiteIce :D
I really don't know where I'm heading to. seriously.It's like the next moment , everything is different.
Even civic made me realise something.
Chapter 1 - Wawasan Diri.
Do I even have a target?
What I wanna be in the future?
Why am I sitting in a Science stream class when I don't even like Science?
Why do I hate Science?
What does Science have to do with my career?
Why can't I choose what stream I wanna take?
Why must I follow my brothers' footsteps ?
Why can't I just follow what I want?
Why can't I just live my life as what I wanna be?
Why am I asking so many questions?
I'm hating myself.
and it hurts badly.
I still remember a phrase..
" Smile Through Life "
it's in Form 3 Textbook.
but i forgot what chapter it is.
this phrase here do helped me a lot.
especially this year.
no matter how terrible that particular day is ,
I'll still have to face it.
and why wanna be sad over what's gonna happen ?
I'll still have to make my way through.
I'll try putting up a smile.
but I'll make sure when I'm down , there's still a little smile.
Participating in school's Cross Country tomorrow.
just the trial .
the real one falls on Valentine's Day.
Maybe I'll see people running with chocolates and flowers .
Look at the time.
Blogging when my dad is sleeping.
super naughty daughter right?
Off to bed .
Nights !