#I know it's quite late to blog about this. But , at least there's still an update :D So, it's basically all about Tuesday!
Only today, I knew that..
Independence Day!
Independence Day!
I might have thought that I will be going to school on Monday if my mum didn't show me the calender ==
Michele and Breena came over today :D For the history power point presentation thing. And they were really lucky cause my mum made Nasi Lemak for lunch! Later, my dad bought Kajang Satay for tea time. lol!
Talk. Eat. Work. Play.
Then, we counted how many sticks of satay we ate :D
But when Michele and I saw Breena's....

We were so full after that meal ! So, we decided to go for a walk instead! But the sun was glaring and it was so freaking hot, we ended up visiting Phyllis :D And we found out that she was playing Restaurant City. rofl! She entertained us with her guitar :D And it was so awesome!
Our future guitarist :D
Then, Michele had to go back already. She got tuition ==! So, Breena and I went to the nearby park. Honestly speaking, it's my first time there! After how many months ah? Uhmm.. 5? Ohmygosh! Almost 6 months already! Wow O:
It's kinda small but still, it looks very neat :D
That cloud there reminds me of copy and paste. LOL!
Never had this much fun ever since ... when?! uhhg. Eventhough we're always together in school, but most of the thing we talk about is more or less something like ...
"Eh, add maths finish already ah?"
"You got do karangan?"
"Exam coming ah! Study already ah?"
"Today got tuition ahhhhh!"
Pathetic school life D:
Who says form 4 honeymoon year? WHO?!
I wanna go back kindergarten! :D *slaps* wont happen one larh! >.<
As long as the clock is still ticking,
As long as the time is still running,
I'll have to move forward every second,
I'll have to chase every minute,
And until the end,
I'll have to grow older every year.
I'll just end this post with "I Love Tuesday!" ♥

Then, Michele had to go back already. She got tuition ==! So, Breena and I went to the nearby park. Honestly speaking, it's my first time there! After how many months ah? Uhmm.. 5? Ohmygosh! Almost 6 months already! Wow O:

Never had this much fun ever since ... when?! uhhg. Eventhough we're always together in school, but most of the thing we talk about is more or less something like ...
"Eh, add maths finish already ah?"
"You got do karangan?"
"Exam coming ah! Study already ah?"
"Today got tuition ahhhhh!"
Pathetic school life D:
Who says form 4 honeymoon year? WHO?!
I wanna go back kindergarten! :D *slaps* wont happen one larh! >.<
As long as the clock is still ticking,
As long as the time is still running,
I'll have to move forward every second,
I'll have to chase every minute,
And until the end,
I'll have to grow older every year.
I'll just end this post with "I Love Tuesday!" ♥