Last Saturday, my dad took my brothers and I to Pikom PC Fair at KL Convention Centre. My mum didn't follow us there D: Instead, she baked a delicious Mango Cheese Cake! Caught up in a jam while we were on the way there. Dad decided to use the so called "Smart Tunnel". Turns out that it isn't that "smart" as it sounds D: People pay to use that tunnel, but no difference at all. We were still stuck in the jam inside the tunnel -.- Oh ya! Have you ever wonder why they name it "Smart Tunnel"? It makes the situation sounds like this :
People who use the Smart Tunnel are smart :D
but people who don't use the Smart Tunnel are.... o.0 !!
Lol !
Back to PC Fair.
Crowded as usual. Packed like sardines D: I never thought of spending at the PC Fair except for an external hard drive. My current one only left 2GB of space D: I couldn't remember how and what was going on, but I was at the Nikon booth, eyeing at S630. My dad gave me a green light and I started jumping around. Lol ! He was annoyed when I kept thanking him :x
And the external hard drive? I totally forgotten about it -.- Next time! :D

There's one more free gift. It's a sling bag I use it for my tuition now :D:D
And lastly,

I don't think I would want to wish for anything for the next... 5 years? rofl ! I'll be grateful for what I'm having.