Okay.. okay.. back to Monday's date :D
It was ten something in the morning when I woke up. Brushed my teeth with a sleepy face ~_~ Walked down the stairs and headed straight to the kitchen, ate my breakfast in front of Hugo. lol XD Then, Michele called o.o She asked if I wanted to go Sunway with her :D Immediately asked my mum and called Breena whether she could tag along. Too bad for her, she can't go D:
It was twelve something in the noon when Michele's mum picked me up :D On the way, Michele gave me my belated birthday present! Thanks Michele! Love it lots :D We reached Sunway around 12.30 noon and Michele said she want to explore the whole Sunway O.O
Walked till our legs got blisters D: Poor thing D: But then, we ate more than we shopped :D:D:D Hehe! Our first stop, TEA TIME :D:D at Auntie Anne's !

Yay! Then we continued our date by going to I-forgot-which-pharmacy and bought Michele's plaster :D lolol. Her both legs got blisters D: And if I'm gonna list out the whole date, that will take a long time for me to think and type XD So, just a few only la :D From clothes to shoes. From shoes to bags. From bags to FOOOOOOOOOD ! It was 6.30pm and we had our dinner at Pasta Zanmai ! My family's favourite :D

And she didn't like it D:

And fyi, this is the nicest picture for the day ==

Oh ya, this conversation with one of the waiter there;
Waiter : Are both of you sisters ?
Me : Do we look like sisters?
Waiter : Yea.
Michele and I : *giggles* *burst out laughing*
Waiter : So?
Me : We're not :D
ROFL ! It was hilarious. But he had good manners :D
Wah! We were quite full but our deserts were waiting for us!! Last pit stop! Honeymoon Deserts!
It's a new branch in Sunway. We went there straight right after our dinner o.o

No need go honeymoon :D Eat dessert enough already ! lols.

LOL! Both of us were super duper bloated D: But then, seriously, FUN ! We should do this again, yah? HOHO! It was 8.30 at night when Michele's mum came to pick us back O.O
8 HOURS !!
8 HOURS !!!
8 HOURS !!
8 HOURS !!!
I felt very bad for asking Michele's mum to send me to IOI, cause my family was having their dinner with my aunt there. Nobody was at home D: D: Anyway, THANKS AUNTIE :D Met up with my brothers at Yamaha. Lol ! Then walk again !!! == for one and a half hour. I barely could feel my legs that time D: Can throw inside the curry pot already D: D: AND MY BROTHER THOUGHT I NEED SOMETHING SWEET, HE TOOK ME TO McDonald's ! GOSH == At least I ate half of the McFlurry, if not... really really really wasting D: On the way back home, even worse == My brothers complain to my dad that they were a little hungry. I can't believe my dad drove all of us to the Mamak somewhere at Meridian == Haiyoo. I sat and watched them eat. It was horrible, I really felt like vomiting *pukes*
And YAY! Finally reached home at 11 pm.
My goodness!
What a day :D