Look at the bright side, mid term exam is OVER! :D
Let me start with the three weeks of horror.
Here's the timetable...
Not getting enough sleep is always an issue for me since I study last minute all the time. Not to mention, my insomnia. Yeah, I'm having that sickness since Form 4. But it was only for a short period of time and it came back. Welcome back? -.- Coffee no longer keeps me up at night so I decided to try hot chocolate instead and it works :D At least, chocolates are better than coffee :x
Tuesday, 18th May 2010
Bahasa Malaysia K1 and Bahasa Malaysia K2
Hmm, didn't write that well for paper one. I kept thinking that the points were wrong :( lack of confidence. sigh.
Wednesday, 19th May 2010
English Paper 1 and Paper 2, Pendidikan Sivik
English was.. okay I guess. Sivik, LOL. Seriously?! Ten marks for asking your opinion on how to solve love problem. I think it was something like the couple's parents don't agree on their relationship. I did had a jaw drop moment when I read the question. I wish I had just wrote. "APASAL SUSAH SANGAT, KAHWIN LARI LA!" -.-
Thursday, 20th May 2010
Mathematics Paper 1 and Paper 2
No comment. Very predictable that I'll make careless mistakes.
Friday, 21st May 2010
History Paper 1 and Paper 2
I stayed up till five in the morning just for this two papers. Gosh, torturing. I nearly fell asleep during paper 2.
Reached home and slept for few hours, then continued memorizing definitions for Moral. Sickening.
Monday, 24th May 2010
Pendidikan Moral
I think I wrote the wrong nilai. OH MY :(
Tuesday, 25th May 2010
Additional Mathematics Paper 1 and
I'm so gonna remember this day -.- I sat for paper one before recess. During recess, I felt this sick-ish feeling but never bother about it. I kept telling myself, just one more paper for the day, might as well just finish it and get some rest at home.But things turn out pretty bad though. I was having a really bad headache and it's super creepy cause for a moment I felt hot and the next thing, I was having cold sweats! I couldn't stand anymore and went home. Terrible day.
Wednesday, 26th May 2010
Biology Paper 1 and Paper 2. Additional Mathematics Paper 2
Since the tips were everywhere, the papers was sort of... okay? Additional Mathematics -.- no eye see.
Thursday, 27th May 2010
Physics Paper 1 and Paper 2
PAPER 1 really no eye see -.- I didn't really study much for it.. so... .. ):
Monday, 31st May 2010
Chemistry Paper 1 and Paper 2, Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesihatan
Goodbye A for Chemistry~ PJK -.- !@#$%^@$%^$^@#$%
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I was bored during PJK paper lol. I can't draw the face :( |
Tuesday, 1st June 2010
EST Paper 1 and Paper 2
NOOOOO :( Paper 2 was hard. sigh. Didn't know what kind of Science knowledge to use for the essay. sigh.
Wednesday, 2nd June 2010
Biology Paper 3
It was Okay :D Not too good, not too bad either.
Thursday, 3rd June 2010 (today)
Physics Paper 3 and Chemistry Paper 3
No comment.One thing I'm sure, there will be some mistakes in the papers.
What other better things can you do during the holidays besides spending all your lovely time bonding with holiday homework.So sweet. right? Oh my homeworks, say you love me too ;D
Sigh. So much for the enjoyable holidays.

May and Jboy : tags replied on phone. And Jboy, Thanks! :D I'm learning it from you ;p
Angeline : You chose this, remember? :D
Whiteice : LOL. it's not even a term ;x
Chukulit : No problem :D
E.S ;D : !!!!!!!! come back here! LOL :D
eLmo : lol, all tak ada read the thing down there -.-
Xuan : -.- very free ka? no need study meh?